Land IQ employs geospatial analysis and GIS technology for spatial data management and analysis on nearly all projects. Our customized web GIS applications bring the power of GIS analysis and data interpretation to our client’s fingertips and allow for real-time project data access as well as generation of client specified reports, maps, or other products.

Data Management Solutions
Land IQ developed a data management tool for subwatersheds within the Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition. The tool meets the combined needs of growers for membership, reporting and informational needs; as well as program managers for spatial data development and analysis, membership management, billing and data compilation and interpretation needs.

Custom Web Applications
Land IQ offers a wide range of advanced GIS capabilities and resources to support complex data management functions, decision-making processes, project analyses and communication of information in a powerful and graphical manner with clients and agencies. Land IQ provides custom web mapping applications for each of the Land IQ ET clients to disseminate monthly consumptive use analysis results.

Custom Web Maps
Land IQ develops and maintains web maps for clients that serve as a central, efficient means of accessing and evaluating the results of spatial mapping and analysis efforts, while maintaining data integrity and security. An example of an externally facing web map is the California Almond Industry Map.