The Land IQ Habitat Restoration Group offers a wide range of specialized services in landscape-scale evaluations and analysis, site-specific restoration and revegetation plans, habitat restoration plan implementation oversight, as well as habitat performance monitoring for land and habitat adaptive management. Our achievements in revegetating and reclaiming drastically disturbed landscapes such as landfills, roadways, and water projects, monitoring for mitigation, and assessing and monitoring exotic species highlight our success in restoration ecology. Land IQ has assessed over 50,000 acres of land for habitat restoration potential and developed specific protocols for resource management plans. Additionally, our staff has expertise in working with federal, state, and local agencies for upland and wetland restoration projects.

Upland Habitat Restoration
Land IQ was responsible for evaluating 11,652 acres of open space within the Irvine Ranch Land Reserve in Orange County for restoration potential based on existing conditions of exotic species densities, soils and disturbance factors to develop restoration strategies for coastal sage scrub, oak woodlands and native grassland habitats.
Riparian & Wetland Habitat Restoration
Land IQ, in collaboration with WRC Consulting Services, was responsible for the development and final restoration specifications for the 23.6-acre emergent and riparian habitat restoration project within Reach 9 of the Santa Ana River to provide flood protection, significant wetland habitat for migratory waterfowl, the federally endangered California Least Tern, Santa Ana sucker fish and other endangered species.
Biological Consulting
Land IQ provides biological consulting services for the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridors and associated land management for over 2,000 acres. This includes restoration plan preparation for coastal sage and cactus scrub as well as monitoring of upland and riparian habitats associated with the toll roads.